Set Of Imagery From Hannah Davis
I’m a strong believer that being a photographer and holding a sense of adventure at the heart of what you do really does go hand in hand when crafting inspiring projects. Wether it be literally crawling locations for something that little bit special like our latest creative to be shared Hannah Davis, or exploring the different elements of someone’s personality in a portrait piece.
I get a real feeling that Hannah is lost within her own world when capturing these photographs, I can definitely vouch as one that can completely shut down all other elements of my day to day and become totally captivated by the shapes and objects found within my viewfinder. Browsing though her Flickr account you can tell she’s immensely passionate, and in my humble opinion highly talented.
Hannah’s talent isn’t restricted to vast and beautiful landscapes however, If you head over to either her profile or website you will be able to view the various portraits she’s had commissioned for SomeThinkBlue Magazine, including some candid shots of Toro y Moi.