Double Exposures From Dan Mountford
English creative Daniel Mountford brings this stunning set of double exposed frames which he has created digitally without the use of editing software to compose the visuals. “From this experimentation I’ve discovered how to isolate parts of the image in camera without the use of photosh
Imagery By Niall Oswald
Now strictly speaking Niall Oswalk isn’t a photographer, he’s a electrical engineering student and these images we have here, aren’t meant to be a series, but on some occasions I don’t think it matters. I mean the guy takes more imagery than most people have hot dinners, and
Photography Looks From Garmonique
Residing in the capital of Russia creative photographer Garmonique holds a mysterious and secret account of himself both online and in printed publication. There isn’t too much documented about the photographer and his lifestyle which is a break in an age where everyone is expressing their ide