Double Exposures From Dan Mountford
English creative Daniel Mountford brings this stunning set of double exposed frames which he has created digitally without the use of editing software to compose the visuals.
“From this experimentation I’ve discovered how to isolate parts of the image in camera without the use of photoshop. I am very pleased to present to you my journey through this technique. The series is a visual journey though our minds by calm and tidy means which the reality of everyday life does not show”
Some minor modifications were taken with regards to tones and blemishes but it’s great to see this age old technique being used with modern equipment to create something a little bit different. We get some really captivating looks crafted by Daniel, you can really appreciate the care and attention taken to produce such iconic and memorable pieces.
Daniel has put in a lot of time, money, and effort into developing what he wanted from the concept and all of this investment has really paid off, I look forward to the next project from the young creative, and I hope you all do to. For more from the Brighton based creative head towards Flickr, where he hosts various inspiring graphical looks.