Casa de Lavre by Nuno Merino Rocha

I felt it was about time we brought across some architecture that was more recently constructed, yet just as considered as those we’ve been highlighting from the past. My search landed me in Portugal where architect Nuno Merino Rocha has undertaken this functional, understated build which looks to blend into it’s environment and offer its owner a less is more approach to living amongst nature.

Through the use of a flush shutter system Nuno has implemented a design which neatly seals all light off from the property, adding complete privacy for its owner when needed. The aim of the project was to integrate the dwelling with those already existing on the site at a low cost, whilst maintaining total absence of the unnecessary.

Considering all these elements I’m guessing that this will be used as an overflow building for when guests come to stay, I have to say though this is a great example of living no greater than your needs – it could certainly be used on a more frequent basis. I’ve no doubt that this place would be ideal for young designers/creatives looking to leave the family nest and get busy with their own projects. I know the minimal aesthetic isn’t for everyone but personally I’m a big fan of the idea of owning a little more quality and having less clutter around the home. Having white walls puts more emphasis on the textures and colour of the other surfaces, particularly the wood elements like that fantastic beam that can be seen in the second and sixth images.

Another element that I was really impressed with was the left hand window that runs parallel with the kitchen top in second image, it’s quite a subtle detail but it really adds character to the home in my opinion. The thought of cooking in the evening while the sun is setting would certainly go a long way in selling me this home, it’s projects like these that really inspire me to design my own house one day.

For now this is just a dream, but perhaps Nuno’s creation has struck a chord with you too. For more information on the architect and the work he’s involved in head across to his webpage that I’ve linked to just below.


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