Tom Werber Animates for “Losers”
Tom Werber has bitten the bullet and decided to go solo on his own projects after working as an editor for a number of years. Now Directing & Writing his own pieces, he is beginning to build up and impressive set of productions. Today he brings us one of them in the form of music video which he has collaborated on with victorian inspired illustrator Dan Hillier. They combined in a project that took several months to create on a shoe string budget, this video is the result of many many nights of hard graft, and although the music by Eddy Temple-Morris & Tom Bellamy isn’t my cup of tea, the animation along with the production of this piece has definably been worth the wait. I for one can’t wait to see future pieces from Tom Weber, if there anything like what we have below, head over to his site to check the noise for yourself – link below.
Find more From Tom Werber at his site here