Presence at Every Glance – Lapis by Achille & Pier Giacomo Castiglioni
Vases are useful household items. In some instances, they can provide a stand out design that takes the look of your rooms to the next level. These “ceramic objects for small scale production” do just that. They must be celebrated for their innovative shape and modern aesthetics.
The story of these vases dates back to 1968. It was at that time that the CEDIT commissioned designers Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni to design the pieces with the specification of them being no more then 25-30 cm in width and height.
The result was a vase with a distinctly modern look of a circular mouth and tapered base. The vases were released in three different sizes but all were identical.
Coming back to modern times, the CEDIT is celebrating the vases’ anniversary with a reproduced new edition in the same size and shape with updated matte colors that are meant to delight and inspire. In addition to the original gray, brown and red colors the vases originally came in, a dark blue color has been added.
The vases are not only stunning, they are quite useful. Coming in handy to hold anything from floral arrangements to a set of pencils, they add an elegant touch to home offices, living rooms and bedrooms.
Although the vases were designed some 50 years ago, they have an undeniably modern look that is a tribute to the innovative design ideas coming out of Italy in the 20th century. The geometric shapes that reign supreme today are a distinct theme while the matte colors play on the ‘new neutrals’ of twenty-first century thought processes that are currently trending in home décor.
Achille and Pier Giacomo Castiglioni were truly innovative thinkers of their time and their creativity lives on in these ceramic vases. They go beyond being useful household items; they are truly works of art.