Short Film on Harrison McIntosh
Film has been our main weapon of choice over the past few days so I’m going to continue on this note and introduce you all to another captivating character named Harrison McIntosh. Perhaps that’s a little ignorant of me, the fact is many of you may of come across this individuals work previously as Harrison is regarded as one most famous ceramic artists of the Pomona Valley in Southern California and is known internationally. Considered as a real leader of the art in the post Second World War era, his work is recognised for its perfection of proportions and original decorative patterns. A quiet yet passionate soul Harrison shares his story in the film below, giving us a brief insight in to his studio, whilst sharing a few good stories along the way.
A close acquaintance to a young Sam Maloof as the pair established themselves, Harrison was studying at Claremont university with Sam doing his banking in the town. If the opportunity presented itself the pair would often share dinner at Watler’s restaurant for lunch and discuss new ideas and projects they were undertaking. Harrison explained in a recent interview that at the time Claremont had become somewhat of an artists playground, with an entire post war scene flourishing in the area. The university provided the platform for many iconic designers and makers at the time, Harrison originally produced his work here and often made the trip to Pasadena for tradeshows with Sam, which would prove immensely valuable in gaining commissions and exposure for their craft.
What I love about this film is that it offers an in-depth discussion of the influences and inspirations of the creative from the very beginning, in his own words. I would have loved to have been able to get hold of a filmed piece like this when Harrison was in his absolute hey-day, but alas the technology of the time wouldn’t do his work justice in the way we can today. What I do think is important however is that we continue to look backwards to see what has been done before us. Making sure we define what can be achieved in the present and in the future through the talents of previous work by individuals like Harrison. I’ve got a big admiration for this chap and I’m sure after watching below you will too – press play and enjoy!