The Elegance of Authentic Materials – Glassware by Danish Designer Louise Roe
Nothing against using more mass produced materials to create designs that are suitable for the public to use, but there’s something that materials linked to crafts hold over these newer materials. In some ways our evolution has depended on the progression of crafts, whether that be mud found in the ground and turned in to functional objects, or sand that is then heated and made in to glass. These “mixtures” are essential to our lives and, in my opion, are deeply rooted in our fabric as human beings.
Louise Roe, a Danish designer based in Copenhagen, seeks out these authentic materials to create a mixture of tableware that’s minimal in terms of aesthetic but still high in quality and truly functional. This combination of handicraft and design is still an untapped category, I think as we become even more technological this idea of gravitating towards things that include humans will become even more prominant.
I picked out a selection of Louise’s works that really inspired me and focused solely on the glass category. I really like the architctural lines in her glassware and her ability to stray out of these at times, playing with colour and textures in the glass. Hopefully you like these too and will view more on her page below. Enjoy.