Music Video From Isaac Rentz
It’s pretty rare to see music videos featured in our format, so when they do make an appearance you know they are worth a watch. Personally I was really refreshed and inspired by Director Issac Rentz’s footage produced for Illinois based musician and singer Lissie.
Visually the piece is pretty liberating and for me it holds the feeling that those captured within are always on the move, always running from the past, always striving forward. Perhaps thats my perception seeing what it wants too, but this piece certainly struck the right chords with me.
I love how Isaac has blended a fantastic range of environments in creation of a feel good atmosphere which fits the song in what is the perfect marriage. When looking into the most iconic visuals throughout the piece, I’m sure that many would agree the lone shots of the wolf near the three minute mark summarise the quality of the entire piece.
Be sure to check out more from both Issac Rentz and Singer Lisse via the links bellow. For those wishing to purchase the track it’s title is “When I’m Alone”, which i’m sure it can be found floating around on Itunes somewhere.