Nokia, HK Honey by Kiku Ohe
I’ve really fell in love with this short piece directed by Kiku Ohe as part of Nokia’s E7 Success Redefined campaign. It follows HK Honey, specifically product designer and founder Michael Leung, on his journey around Hong Kong as he looks to bring nature back into the metropolis.
HK Honey is an organisation of Hong Kong based beekeepers, artists, and designers who aim to communicate the value of bees to the human food chain. In true statistics they roughly help pollinate one third of our food, a very important creature indeed.
Both me and Daniel have been looking into Beekeeping as a way to give something back and also as a separate hobby to our normal day to day. This is an inspiring video that’s tempted me to push forward with the idea, for now we can all sit back and admire Michael beekeeping with no protective clothing, cool and calm as you can get. Watch on below.