Time by Victor Metron
Victor Metron reminds us all of what a remarkable place this planet is in this wonderfully put together montage of time lapses he’s recorded while travelling over the last year. Using the concept of time as his inspiration Victor takes us from the ice age glaciers and finishes with his creation of what he’d imagine the end of world to be like.
Throughout the piece we get to see some really mesmerising locations which must be something extra special to visit, I hope I can visit at least one or two of these in my lifetime as I don’t think there is anything more inspirational than the might of planet earth in it’s most natural untouched form.
Victor set’s this film off with a nice little quote he came up with: “From the glaciers to the desert, From New Zealand to Rome Time flows, flies, burns.”, which works as a great aid to remind us all that although we live in a remarkable world, our time is limited so we most make the most of what we have, while we can.
Watch on below and enjoy, if you would like to enjoy some still frames from this film you can do so via Victors Flickr photo stream which I have linked to just below.