From the Earth – Marble Furniture & Vessels by Design Studio Raw Material
It’s interesting how even in different countries and cultures designers are harnessing the idea of working with crafts, experimenting with these solid techniques that industry was founded upon to see how they might apply to our modern world. This was why I was drawn to the work of India-based design studio Raw Material for their simplistic side tables and vessels that are constructed from marble.
It was fascinating to hear that the marble they are using comes from offcuts that are thrown aside when industry look to make square marble slabs. Raw Material have used these offcuts as a base for their design, searching for beautiful patterns that might not be accepted for commercial use due to their variation. This natural beauty flows out of these final pieces and shows that their is potential in every industry if you can flip your mindset.
India tends to focus on the more elaborate side of crafting, usually making ornaments and sculptures that are quite eccentric, so seeing these works are very much going against the trend of the culture in this country. It’s great to see and I hope they continue in to the future. I will keep a careful eye on the progression and how they are able to masterfully balance these beautiful works of art that sit somewhere between a functional object and a piece of sculpture. Enjoy.