Miyazaki Chair Workshop, Japan
Wow! Furniture has really taken a grip here on the site. If you missed it over the weekend, we released a new interview with Chicago based furniture designer and maker Jason Lewis. He’s a fantastic creative so I’d urge you to read through it now. I think he said some very inspiring words, there’s also a mixture of lovely furniture specimens for you all of you to admire on the feature page.
I’ve finally made the jump in to woodworking field myself, with the goal being to explore a variety of crafts that could aid me in the design process at a later date. I’m positive it will be invaluable for future exploits. In my opinion, the Japanese craftsmen really have the woodwork field figured out. They approach the craft with a real respect for traditional craftsmanship, but at the same time work in modern lines and lots of finesse. These pieces by Japanese furniture company Miyazaki Chair Workshop are a fine example of this. Both the designers who dream up the furniture, and those that help make them in the factory, have the same ideals and general thought process. I feel like you need that connection with the maker to really excel. Apparently, they even work together on all the full-scale prototypes and work out any points of improvement, exchanging thoughts until they’re fully satisfied with the end result.
As you can see from the strength of these images here, also through the product shots on their website, the quality is fantastic, and the creativity is strikingly obvious. One major example of this is in the ‘stool’ section on their website. Here they’ve taken a piece of furniture that’s been explored heavily, and that generally has very few parts, and have changed the shape and form in interesting and creative ways, they’re certainly something to behold! So take a quick step towards the Miyazaki website and open up your design brain, there’s sure to be some inspiration.