2010 by Debbie Carlos
We’ve seen so many photographers over the years that it’s hard to choose a favourite. Obviously there’s not much between each individual, since we like them all, but I’m going to take a stab in the dark and say that Debbie Carlos is certainly near the top of my list. I find myself constantly going back to her website to seek inspiration.
Although we posted up some mixed imagery by Debbie back in August, I decided to pick out some more recent photography from her wide range of work.
She’s got a terrific eye for life and how to purvey it in a natural and nonchalant way, just look at the lighting and the framing of each photograph, these makes me excited to view photography again and also make me be inspired by life in general. Debbie has moved around quite a lot since she was a child but she now resides in Chicago where she studied Photography at The School of the Art Institute. If you enjoy her work, like me, then you can buy prints at her quaint little online shop or alternatively head over to her portfolio via the link below.