Works by Jennilee Marigomen
One lady that’s definitely inspiring me as of late is a young photographer that goes by the name of Jennilee Marigomen. She lives and works in Vancouver, Canada, her work leaves me scrolling through for hours on end. I’m never disappointed when I either head over to her main site, her journal, Tumblr, or even the Flickr account. Ample amount of inspiration.
I figured there wasn’t too much point picking up any of the photography and placing it in this article, one I can’t really replicate the feeling of browsing through, two this page would be littered with so much imagery it would probably take about ten hours to load the page. That being said, if you head towards her portfolio page then you will not be disappointed. The above two pictures are from the series ‘From the See’, which happens to be one of my favourites. Enjoy.