Brass Kitchenware by Master Artisan Kim Soo-Young
Imagery and a short film captured by Nils Clauss that pays homage to the work of Korean craftsman Kim Soo-Young, winner of the YÉOL Award for Craftsman of the Year 2013.
Functional Kitchenware by KINTO
Often a company’s product line-up is dictated by the type of designers that they get on board, individuals like Jasper Morrison and Naoto Fukasawa are synonymous with a simplistic / functional ideology, so it’s obvious when they’re hired what sort of ethos that company is striving for. Compani
Hand Blown Glassware by Sempli Design
How about we add some superb glass tumblers and vessels into the mix today. I'm a big admirer of functional items that serve a humble purpose in day to day life, often the ones we take for granted and that slip in to the back of our mind without a second thought. These tumblers by Sempli remind me o
Lifestyle and Product Imagery at Kitanosumaisekkeisha
We're regularly on the lookout for inspiring photography and lifestyle imagery, it's definitely a good reference for us in the shop since it gives us ideas and tips for our own, it's also refreshing to see how objects could be used in different environments. Take for example this shop in Japan that
Plus Minus Zero Wire Ware Designed by Naoto Fukasawa
A simple but unique selection by Plus Minus Zero in Japan, designed by the one and only Naoto Fukasawa. I suppose when you're a famous designer it gives you the chance to work on some interesting projects, this particular company being one of them who has given Naoto Fukasawa full design direction.
MUJI Meets IDEE, A Set of Case Studies
MUJI happens to be one of those interesting companies who offer a selection of products that sit quite close to our general aesthetic, but maybe miss out on the craft/independent element. They rarely highlight the original makers, possibly because a lot of the ideas are duplicated from the handiwork
Bamboo Cutlery by Saya Okihara and Kazuho Shimomoto
You've probably noticed my little fascination with wooden objects as of late, I'm embarking on a small project myself which will involve me making wooden spoons and cutlery. Actually, I ordered a couple of books off Amazon Japan last week which arrived yesterday, both are by an author named Nishikaw
Ceramics and Objects by Sfera
A blog worth visiting is that of Iain Claridge, a small independent design studio based in Bristol, England. They’re regularly showcasing some inspiring imagery and great design related works, so today I decided to put together something that I spotted on their blog a few days back, the works of S
Sori Yanagi, Kitchen and Tableware
Today I found myself exploring the life and works of one of the most famous product designers in Japan, Sori Yanagi. It was sad to hear when he passed away at the age of 96 late last year, but at the same time I couldn't help but marvel in his achievements and stature. An incredible human being that