Geometrical Play – Abstract Prints by Kristina Sostarko and Jason Odd of Inaluxe
I’ve always been a sucker for prints, especially those that are geometric and bold. There’s also something about the art form that seems very pure in a creative sense. In my view it’s an artist or designer who is playing with colour and line to find the best combinations that are aesthetically pleasing on the eye, almost as if it’s a puzzle. This is one of the reasons why I was drawn in by the artwork of Australian studio Inaluxe.
Founded in 2006 by Kristina Sostarko, later joined by fellow artist and illustrator Jason Odd, the duo have worked on various art projects over the years for big brands such as IKEA and Urban Outfitters. But all in all their most personal project is Inaluxe, a true hub for their experimentation with graphics and illustration.
Interestingly, Kristina loves minimalism and vintage collectables, which seems like an odd combination at first but makes complete sense when you see the artworks that they are designing. There are obvious reference to trends of the past, but at the same time there’s a simplicity that cuts through it all thanks to their use of bold colour and overlapping shapes. I picked out some of my favourite prints from their website, more can be found online where they can also be purchased. Enjoy.