Set Of Posters From Andrew McArdle
I found this great set of three illustrations from Chicargo based designer Andrew McArdle, created in bordering on pastel tones contrasted with darker greys and blacks for a bold, clean look. I think the fact they were made for a good cause in the shape of the world wide fund for nature, or WWF as many of you will know it as gives it added kudos and more appeal. Andrew has created his own design company called ATM design which he describes as “the manifestation of the concept mill my mind has become”, he goes on to say “This is my outlet for posting new ideas and projects, everything was created by my own hands. I am an Art Director, Graphic Designer, Illustrator, and Copywriter. My work carries much of my ideologies and beliefs making for a more personal connection with the viewer”. Its great to see people starting out on their own and generating projects which are great to look at, these pieces are a real treat on the eyes, the fact that they have a worldwide issue within them just adds to there quality. Head over to Andrew McArdles design site for more looks of the various pieces of work that he is crafting of late, the link for this can be find below.
Find more work from Andrew McArdle here