Unexpected Colour Palettes – Paintings and Prints by Artist Sarah Martinez
There seems to be a meditative state when you’re deep in the creative process. All other distractions fade and you are absorbed in the act of now and the art that’s in front of you. I’ve talked with many makers over the years and they all say the same, there’s not much thinking going on when you’re just working to showcase your expression in your desired medium.
I was taken aback by the creative lifestyle of Connecticut-based artist Sarah Martinez and was happy to hear that she’s attracted mainly to the experience of the act of creating itself. For Sarah painting brings out a flowing harmony that I can definitely see translated in to her artworks. The prints are fun and feature a number of abstract shapes but I was also intrigued by the one-off canvases that Sarah has been painting, each one exploring colour and shape in an unexpected way through brush strokes in bright colours. These canvases give us more of a depiction of her style and taste.
Looking through Sarah’s portfolio it’s obvious that this whole thing has been a pure passion project from the start and she has been able to push through and build a successful studio where she can create daily. I think it should give us inspiration ourselves to go out, create and get fun out of the process of creating rather than purely the result itself. I hope you like these artworks seen here and will go on over to Sarah’s website linked below to support her work. Enjoy.