Ceramics by Louisa Taylor
I thought I’d bring some ceramics into the fold today as I’ve been admiring the work of English designer Louisa Taylor and her dainty porcelain creations. I think the finest compliment I can pay Louisa is that her works remind me an awful lot of the understated beauty found within Gwyn Hanssen Pigott’s works who is somewhat of a master of the art in my eyes. I really loved Louisa’s subtle approach to colour in these pieces her glazes are unintrusive yet captivating at the same time.
From a design perspective Louisa takes the majority of her inspiration from visiting museum collections of traditional historic dining pieces, rarely creating objects that don’t have some sort of function at the dinner table. Each item she does create is wheel thrown out of porcelain and freely assembled by hand. So none of the above or below have been created using moulds, which is quite incredible considering the perfection of their form.
When it comes to the colouration of the items one of her biggest influences is from the hand-painted decoration on soup tureens that she’s come across on her travels. This style has been ever popular with shop, galleries, restaurants and collectors since she opened her own studio in 2006, having graduated from a masters degree in ceramics and glass at London’s Royal College of Art. Much like Gwyn Hanssen Pigott before her, Louisa has recently taken to lecturing others on her medium so hopefully her passion and skill set can be passed on to others in the near future.
If you’re now intrigued to learn a little more about Louisa Taylor and perhaps see further works from the artist I can recommend a visit over to her personal webpage which I will link to just below. From here she also runs a small blog which I’m sure will keep you up to date with the latest developments regarding her ceramic works. Enjoy.