Echoing Layers of Colour – Short Film on Ceramic Sculptor Matthew Chambers
I don’t usually cover artists that I’ve talked about here on the blog before. All old content can be found in the archive or by using the search bar, so I think it’s fair to give others a shot and try to limit my repetition. But I vividly remember the ceramic sculptures by British artist Matthew Chambers, his complex forms absolutely mesmerised me and I loved the way that he layered colour and played with texture.
At the time I didn’t really know how these pieces were created. From afar I thought he achieved them using slip casting, which are then placed inside each other to create a staggering effect. But this fantastic short film by Jamie Isbell shows how he actually makes them, using the pottery wheel. This is quite incredible considering the precision and thin quality of the shapes that he’s able to achieve.
Recently I’ve explored the use of colour in my own work, using stains to achieve different colours in clay, but to see coloured work like this made on the wheel is very inspiring indeed. It really opens your mind to possibilities and what can be achieved with such a simple material. Anyway, I’ll let you watch this beautiful short film below, it’s great to see the patterns up-close and get a sense of scale. For further watching I would reccomend Jamie Isbell’s two short films on Sue Paraskeva here and here. Enjoy.