Bathrooms by Agape Srl.
While browsing one of my favorite picture blogs, I came across the image below on the left. The purity and warmth is what stopped my scrolling fingers. All of the images featured on this page come from Agape Srl., an Italian company headquartered in Roncoferraro, Italy (a part of the Mantua province). Agape specializes in bathroom fixtures, all of which have understated qualities that speak boldly when used in correct environments. The company was cofounded by two brothers: Emanuele (CEO) and Giampaolo Benedini (Art Director). Giampaolo also established Bendini Associati in 1999, which contributes to Agape’s collection. Designers such as Angelo Mangiarotti and Enzo Mari have collaborated with Agape, resulting in a rich product line.
The design intent of Agape is to rethink the bathroom setting by making it more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing (read: unobtrusive). The rooms Agape showcase start to become more than sanitation stations – they are elevated to the position of “living space,” where relaxing rituals can be performed in solitude. Spaciousness, multisensory involvement, and purity are central to their approach. Through relying on an honest use of materials and a strong sense of restraint, the space can be appreciated slowly. A mix of hard and soft lines, natural light, and a neutral color palette creates a sense of cleanliness.
My initial attraction to Agape was their concern for beauty, inherent in basic forms. Any company that uses limited materials to create bold simplicity catches my eye. Through continued investigation, I also found that they have a concern for sustainability. Instead of answering this call by using space-aged materials, they rely on time-tested tradition: making objects that last. Please visit their website below to see the current collection.