Handmade Furniture from Manoteca
Browsing around this morning I stumbled upon these really charismatic items of furniture which have been handmade in Italy by a little collective that works under the name of Manoteca. Creating in a small studio, the team combine various abandoned items that people no longer see use in and combine these into beautiful one of a kind pieces of furniture.
I’m a big fan of reusing materials that no longer hold purpose in other facets of function, giving each a new lease of life. It does often puzzle me why we continue to create everyday items out of materials that cannot be reused once their shelf-life is up. It defies logic in my opinion, but this is a debate for another day.
So with this in mind it’s really refreshing to see the folks at Manoteca using their heads and not only creating beautiful products but helping out our environment too. Reading through the collective’s website it’s nice to hear how attached to the creation process they are, considering each piece created as a direct connection to the makers life.
If you enjoy these I’d suggest hanging around Manoteca’s webpage every now and again, from the sounds of things once each piece is gone that’s it. I think I’l be paying a visit again soon, I just revere the diversity that they bring to the table.