Inspired by Malevich – Suprematic Vases by Designer Kateryna Sokolova
Finally spring is upon us so I’ve been heading out to collect different stems and buds that I can place in the many vases scattered across my office and studio. It’s great to see them change, especially the blossom in my studio that is slowly fading but shows the fleeting moment of life and how we should spend it doing what we like. These vases by Ukrainian designer Kateryna Sokolova stood out to me so I wanted to share them here for all of you to admire.
Kateryna is the founder of SOKOLOVA design studio that works in a wide range of disciplines, from furniture design to lighting and electronics. In 2015 she won the Red Dot Design Award and has since gone on to produce this set of vases titled “Suprematic”, a nod to the geometric works of Suprematist artist Kazimir Malevich. Suprematism is a modernist movement that took place in the early twentieth century and was focused on geometric forms such as circles, squares, line and rectangles. The colours used were limited, usually primary colours.
Although these vases draw your attention thanks to the colours and shapes, they are also functional in the sense that they divide the flowers and offer compartments to store the water for these buds to survive. Not only are these pieces clean and contemporary, serving the purpose that they were intended for is always a fine balance and has certainly been achieved here. I’m not sure whether they are available for sale but part of the collection was produced by Ukrainian manufacture Postformula Craft so they may be seen on the market soon. More can be found on Kateryna Sokolova’s portfolio linked below.