Order & Disorder – Glass Sculpture by Lene Bodker
It feels as though there’s something symbolic about nature’s representation in the world of art. It’s been a common theme since the start of time and still intrigues us today. When we are born, millions of organisms and bacteria inhabit our bodies and continue to do so until we pass. Nature can never separate us. These systems found in nature are fascinating and come through in the work of talented artist Lene Bodker.
Lene is a sculptural glass artist from Denmark. Some of her artworks are literal representations of nature, such as seaweed, rocks, or even planting. Other shapes are more abstract and instantly make you want to attach them to a familiar form.
What’s most unique is the surface texture integrated into the body of the glass. Etching and carving create these areas and bring a sense of life to these amazing sculptures. See more from Lene Bodker via the link below.