Werk Statt Schwarz – Furniture by German Craftsman Florian Schwarz
I came across this fantastic selection of work by German craftsman Florian Schwarz, and was really drawn to his furniture and his beautiful studio. Based in Seefeld, Germany, his workshop has a wonderful interior that’s minimal with little clutter or distractions.
Well-known for producing his “Artisan Skis”, which are crafted from domestic woods such as ash, apple, walnut or cherry, I thought I’d also bring forward a few of his furniture designs which I really admire. He’s been able to use all of these hardwoods and make clean looking furniture that’s modern but speaks of the many woodworking traditions that came before.
Take his tables for example, there’s not much to them in terms of the design and form, but the actual skill needed to produce such simple work has to be admired. It’s also great to see the character of the wood shine through, picking his pieces so that they have a subtle change in texture and colour, rather than anything that’s too loud. I could certainly picture these in my own office or home. To see more head on over to Florian’s website on the link below, some are of the spaces that his pieces sit in, and others are detail shots.