Artworks from Lu Cong
Browsing around the internet I came across the portfolio of Chinese creative Lu Cong and his remarkable set of oil portraits that he’s been working on. Having studied both biology and art at the university of Iowa, Lu opted to follow his heart and has slowly built a credible reputation as an artist. The work we see above and below has been featured on the walls of galleries in both New York and Denver with Lu being recognized for his touch of realistic yet unsettling portrayal of his subjects.
Personally I think the eyes of a subject and how they are captured in a painting can make or break the level of impact that a portrait can have. So it’s great to see these captivating stares that Lu has handcrafted, which instills quite an eerie yet enticing feeling into each artwork. I think the work above particularly demands your attention from the offset, leading you in to admire the more subtle details afterwards.
Lu’s typical setup tends to be oil on 18 inch square panels, although he has been known in recent times to experiment a little with ink on paper. This distinctive portrait series seems to have been stapled down as Lu’s favoured technique and style of creating, so if you enjoy these I’d recommend following the artist a little further through the link below.