Further Film from the Movember Craft and Pride Series
Things seem pretty dry on the craftsmanship front so I’m going to head back to the craft and pride series to supplement the rest of today’s content. Created in aid of Movember, this year the Urchin Associates have visited various creative types with their film crew for a diverse range of storytelling experiences. In this episode we get to hear the story of a passionate mechanic who is fanatical about vintage motorcars. So much so that he restores classic hot rods in his workshop and of course owns his very own moustache.
Given that we’ve shared content on this yearly event I’ve felt pretty much obliged to go ahead and grow a little bit of fur on my own face. I have to say I’m generally more into the clean shaven look but the fact the woman in my life disapproves is all the more motivation to see how grand a tash I can maintain in just under a month. It’s a bit of lighthearted fun and it’s raising awareness for mens health so why not give it a go yourself and get a bit grizzly up top.