Further Imagery from Jennifer Korff
With Thanksgiving celebrations going on over in the states things seem a little thin on the ground at the moment, so I was glad to be able to delve into our archive and check back with some creative talent that we’ve talked about in the past. Back in July Mark introduced us to the delightful workings of designer, photographer and illustrator Jennifer Korff as we highlighted her charming At Home series, which was very reflective of the lifestyle an all round creative would lead.
Given it’s the time of year where food becomes a big part of our agenda, with the likes of Christmas and currently Thanksgiving cropping up, I thought it would be appropriate to visit another set of Jennifers which is based around this very topic. The set I’ve brought across has been captured for the most part out and about in small restaurants and cafes, all shot in an easy on the eye candid style.
I’m a big fan of shooting off the cuff kind of images as I just love the fact you can manage to pack in such atmosphere and energy thats harder to find in a more composed/staged shot. I guess this really goes hand in hand with shooting Analog which is all you will find on Jennifers page, as like me she’s not much of an advocate of digital photography.
This set really takes me to that moment where you’re out christmas shopping and you dive away from all the hustle and bustle of the crowds into a quiet little cafe for something warm and furfilling to eat. I can’t say I’m looking forward to gracing the stores this year, but if I can find somewhere to recharge my batteries like we have here I’m sure I’ll find plenty of motivation to search out something for everyone.