Set of Imagery from Gardendier
The Internet and particularly the Flickr community seems to be packed full of highly talented creatives that like to remain anonymous, and it just so happens that Gardendier is one of them. I guess the reality of this is that most of you won’t be too fussed, however I think it’s nice to be able to make some sort of connection with the creator, talk a little about them and give them the credit they so much deserve.
The set we have here is very much inspired by the great outdoors which is something that most of us creative types can say we’ve been caught capturing from time to time. If you’re that way inclined there is nothing more mesmerising than discovering the details of your surroundings through the medium of a viewfinder.
The looks we have below, much like the photographer, leave so much untold which strangely seems to be the appeal for me. Viewing these I can just let my imagination wonder and ask myself many rhetorical questions like what sort of people have taken a stroll along these paths and what were their conversations about.
I think forests are the sort of places that always have stories to tell, full of mystery and beauty. These have got me itching to pick up my camera and get out myself, hopefully they do the same for you too.