Photo Preview of Rizzoli’s Rooftop Gardens Book
We are quickly amounting a great number of books here in the office, in fact we often joke at the need to open our doors up as a library. So today I thought I’d share something as a nod towards New York based publisher Rizzoli who are responsible for many books on our shelves. Leslie Williamson’s handcrafted modern is one of these, so with this delightful release as a reference I thought we could all take a look at their latest project which showcases some of the beautiful rooftop gardens that New York has to offer.
One thing I personally take for granted is the amount of wildlife that surrounds my home, our family garden backs onto a tree belt so I think if I was ever to live in a big city I’d have a real lust for a little greenery around me. I do love the energy that a larger city can bring though so something like this Japanese garden below would perhaps provide the ideal solution if I was ever to dwell in the big apple. The book itself has been put together by a team of five individuals, many of which base themselves in New York so this is a topic close to all of their hearts.
The great thing about this project is that if it wasn’t for these contributors the only other way anyone would see these stunning gardens would be via helicopter which seems a terrible shame. Denise Calicchio, Roberta Amon, Norman McGrath, Evelyn Lauder and Dominique Browning provided some great connections between them that meant they were able to get the permissions they needed to snap these beautiful scenes.
Unfortunately this one isn’t gracing our shelf at the moment but I certainly think it would be at home with our other publications, so it could well make an appearance soon. If you’d like to learn a little more about the book I’d recommend heading over to it’s dedicated webpage which also shares information on where to buy for those interested.