Photography by A. William Frederick
At the weekend I stumbled through to the superb portfolio of Maine photographer A. William Frederick. I have to thank Pinterest for this one, even though it has its massive flaws as a website, such as 404 errors all the time and scrappy design flow, it has a tendency to inspire me due to the creatives that float about on there. A few of these photos were cropping up on peoples profiles and when I checked out the portfolio of A. William Frederick I could see why, an excellent variety of medium format photographs that are all quite exciting and appealing. They’re also very individual and as you sit there and click through you get a sense that all of these are free and easy and are genuinely light hearted. There are three categories, one people, which is pretty self explanatory, another called places, this seems to focus on interiors and environments, and the last one is called things which is more about actual objects.
As natural as this seems I liked the way that he’s categorised these into sections as it makes it a lot easier as a viewer and compliments the photography nicely since it’s quite minimal and stripped back. As far as I know Mr Frederick lives in Owls Head, which is a town in Knox County and has quite a small population, basically a resort and fishing area. It looks like a really beautiful place to live and seems perfect for inspiration, peaceful and different. Even though me and Daniel are used to city life we regularly get out and about and usually take our cameras off to natural areas, it makes a world of difference and hopefully this inspires you to go out yourself and snap some pictures. For plenty more like this head towards his portfolio where you can click through and admire his works.
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Dave Riley
Nice photos. I especially like the one on the porch with the sun shining through.