Set of Imagery from Salva López

Designer come photographer Salva Lopez is based out of Barcelona and today brings us this small set of imagery picked from a group of his latest workings. Perhaps having one hand in design has influenced Salva to take a unconventional approach to photography in some of his pieces, he always seems to be unearthing unique locations which combine textures and elements you wouldn’t normally expect to be placed together.

This creative style really made Salva stand out whilst on the browse and it is in no means a criticism of his work, I think originality should be celebrated, good for him that he strives to find something new and thought provoking for his audience. His works comes across as quite simplistic and uncluttered whilst still holding a fair amount of layered elements, I like his use of straight edges to guide the eyes onto the more significant areas of his stills, it’s all quite subtle.

The set we have here is of course just a selection so if you enjoy these visuals I’d recommend heading over to his page for a little more, his portfolio is quite vast and contains a good range of scenery. There is always Flickr too for those that hold an account, I’l leave everything you need just below.


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