From the Archetype by Yoon Sol
Recently I wrote an article on Keith Varney’s sculptural vessels, these required layering porcelain in thin sheets to create different shapes. I guess this theme has been carried over today with the works of Yoon Sol, a Korean artist who makes pieces on a similar wavelength.
I’ve taken a bit of time out to explore the world of Korean pottery and probe a bit in to the countries relationship with tea ware. A lot of the objects used in the Japanese tea ceremony were sourced from parts of Korea, and this is what inspires a lot of potters in this day and age who try to mimic this particular style. So as you can imagine I hoped to find some potters that are producing wares in the same vein, but it’s obvious to see times have changed and many are now exploring ceramics in a more artistic manner. This led me to the work of Yoon Sol who’s produced this fantastic series titled ‘From the Archetype’.
Archetypes have been covered here before on the site and are a primitive mental image inherited from the earliest human ancestors. These images are supposed to be present in the collective unconscious and this is what Yoon is playing with here, the idea that thousands of figures and ideas can be spawned from just one shape. To me these are very architectural and flowing. Yoon creates these works by layering the material one by one in spherical moulds, he then completes the puzzle by following whatever’s in his mind. Hopefully these inspire some thoughts and make you look deeper in to your own journey, enjoy.