“Urushi Craftsman” by Hirokazu Kishida
A short film by Kyoto born filmmaker Hirokazu Kishida. This shows the working processes of the lacquer craftsmen that create for Yamada Heiando, a tableware and accessories company.
New Lacquerware in the Shop by Maiko Okuno
Sometimes you just come across those designers or makers that instantly click, those that marry your aesthetic sensibility with the qualities of the final object. When I first appreciated Maiko Okuno's works up-close this was my exact feeling, the beautiful forms that I saw in the photographs were n
Vessels and Spoons by Fushimi Lacquer Workshop
In the next few weeks we'll have a brand new selection of lacquerware by Fujii Works arriving in store, I'm super excited as I've decided to extend the range a little and offer more goods in the lacquer department. I was originally nervous to include such a 'niche' product in our line-up, as you nev
Japanese Craftsman and Making Processes by Adam Fulford
Last night I was supposed to be getting on with some work but I ended up spending half of it watching through these incredible videos placed up by Adam Fulford. I previously sat through one on the lacquer process a few months back but he's uploaded a lot more and they're ever so inspiring, I was in
Collecting Lacquer with Kenji Suzuki
It's not often that I bring films into the archive, Daniel tends to have a knack for finding the best on the web in the fields of art, design and craft. But today I came across this short piece that doesn't have any commentary, but has very simple filming and features some curious ongoings. In fact,