Layering Backdrops – A Selection of Abstract Art by Jost Münster
Layers are something that I think fascinates all creatives in the sense that it adds depth and intrigue in an object or art piece. You can even see this used architecturally, integrating panes of glass or doors to create a shift in perception and also guide the user. In my opinion Shoji doors, used in traditional Japanese homes, are especially great at this, not only are they moveable by sliding they also offer transparency through the washi paper that lines them.
Viewing the work of German born London-based artist Jost Münster made me think about this with his collection of abstract art exploring layering through simple shapes and colours on wood and paper. By playing with what appears to be weathered surfaces and mixing these with fresher painted areas it creates an “urban” contrast that’s quite unique to Jost. He even goes as far as painting over older works that didn’t make the cut to leave small traces of what was before, a very intriguing concept.
These canvases have now been brought forward in to the physical with some of Jost’s more recent work that looks at how these elements can be manipulated in a three-dimensional sense. All in all there’s some interesting things going on and it’s great to see such experimentation in his work. I hope you will check out his website and support such creativity. I’m especially intrigued how he can turn these thoughts in to sculptural works of art. More below.