Silent Poetry – Abstract Paintings by Irish Artist David Quinn

Art can be bright, vibrant and in your face or it can be neat, subtle and thought provoking. Some may argue that it is this more subtle art form that can be even harder to create. Making something out of simple objects and colors can be more challenging than you would think.

Yet, this subtle artwork that David Quinn manages to create produces results that seem almost effortless. The Dublin born Irish artist lives and works in Shillelagh, County Wicklow. He has been exhibiting his work regularly since 1995. He has hosted solo shows all over the world, most recently at Gana Art in Korea and the Amaneya Gallery in Fukuoka, Japan.

His inspiration is stated in a quote by art historian and art critic Daniel Siedell who explains that art is not based on a need to express something but rather a need to learn. Communion and contemplation are necessary in the process and should apply to both the artist and viewer.

Much of the work Quinn makes consists of swatches of fabric affixed to a harder backing. The swatches are highly textured leaving the viewer to take in the intricate patterns and combination of shades involved. They are featured on their own and Quinn has also made works that include several of the swatches lined up vertically and horizontally to make one larger piece.

The ideas for the designs themselves are derived from his small notebook that he carries with him everywhere. His doodles are then taken in to the gallery space. David likens his work to traditional Japanese haiku, crafting “silent poetry” that reflect his deeper thoughts using lines, dots and a grids.

A unique creation that stands out is one that appears as mismatched loose-leaf paper. The paper looks as if has been water damaged and the lines on either side of the paper don’t match up. However, the seamless merging of the two sides makes one wonder how such a piece was created.

Quinn’s art is a strong representation of the modern era. Subtle and thought provoking. His work stands out for its minimalistic characteristics and its unique beauty and sophistication. What type of emotions does his work provoke when you view it?


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