Workings By Peter Sight
I came across these delightful little handmade creations by artist and illustrator Peter Sight and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to share them. It’s nice to see some English talent creating such charming characters with a real attention to detail and care for craft, I’d love to see something animated made by Peter – I think his style would really compliment that medium quite well.
Thankfully I’m far to young to be a father, however if I did have kids I think I would look to something like this to brighten up my kids rooms. Peter’s scenes are so full of imagination and wonderful colour, I think they’d make a great addition to a side table or even mounted on the wall. I haven’t seen these in any stores before, but I’m sure if you were to contact Peter he would be more than happy to create one of these for those willing to part with a respectable amount of cash.
If you enjoy these like me, and want to see more head on through to Flickr and support a talented English creative producing some beautiful work.