Imagery from Mushimegane Books
Since we shared the short film on Bornholm based potter Anne Mette Hjortshøj last week I’ve been craving a good set of ceramics or pottery, and thankfully I found something I wanted to share with you all on that front just before the turn of the week. Typically we’re heading to Japan, however the creatives I’ve come across we’ve not featured here before. Mushimegane Books run a shop and exhibition a few times a year offering a range of understated ceramic works that I was really blown away by earlier today.
I’ve combined two shots from a recent event alongside those that have been captured inside of their shop so we get an overview of their products as a whole. I’m pretty thankful that I don’t live locally to Mushimegane Book because I think I’d end up purchasing almost all of their stock, I love the form of these vessels and I’m sure they’d be a pleasure to use each day in the kitchen.
It’s difficult to find a favourite amongst the set we have here but If I was really probed I think I’d have to opt for these greyish rice bowls found in the image above. I love the rustic texture and coloration which provides a nice contrast to some of the cleaner vessels in white and pastels below. It’s nice that the shop offer both, as I’m always torn between clean and minimal or rugged objects packed full of character.
Unfortunately my Japanese isn’t as good as it should be (hello is my limit) so I can’t really offer too much information on these works. Visually however I felt they have their own story to tell so were more than worth bundling across here for you all to see. If you’re intrigued by Mushimegane Books and their creations I’d urge you to visit their website for more information and imagery. In the meantime I think I’m off to get some Japanese lessons – Enjoy
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Breathtaking work! The bowl or cup with the poppy-seed effect is my very favorite! Their work is so inspirational…