Refractions & Abstractions – Photography of Interiors and Objects by Coppi Barbieri
On a personal level I don’t really connect with commercial photography. I suppose we tend to link it with less creative exploits, mainly with the end goal of trying to sell us something, so it takes a really special set of photography to get me out of my seat and excited enough to post it here. This is exactly what happened with these photographs I’m highlighting today by Coppi Barbieri.
I remember seeing a selection of photos by Bauhaus photographer Gertrud Arndt, one in-particular caught my attention where she uses a series of glasses and some lights to photograph the shadows in black and white. It left quite the impression on me as the abstract shadows that came off inspired me to experiment in a similar fashion myself. So when I saw these images produced by Coppi Barbieri there was an obvious connection to be seen with those of Gertrud Arndt.
Actually, many of there works are inspired by other artists. The most recent set of glassware photography for Wallpaper magazine are in the style of the American painter Richard Anuszkiewicz, with the bright colours and the connecting lines. I picked out a few of my favourite images from the Coppi Barbieri portfolio to inspire you, I urge you to take a look over there yourself and see what imagery you like, there are certainly some experimental ones!