Stretching and Curling – Unique Ceramic Forms by Merete Rasmussen
The words versatility and functionality regularly crop up here on the blog. I often talk about objects that have different uses, or that can adapt to different situations and environments. This concept can even be applied to sculpture, translating some of the ideas of fluidity and an ever changing nature in to works of art.
Take these ceramic forms by Merete Rasmussen, a Danish artist who lives and works in London. Not only does she make abstract sculptural forms, she’s able to capture movement in these static pieces. This isn’t easy, but the versatility of the clay itself gives her the opportunity to create such complex formations. Building it step by step, adding clay, cutting away clay, and scraping the surface into a smooth curved shape.
Merete produces these by making small models beforehand. It’s necessary for her to plan beforehand and understand what the final outcome will be. Interestingly, nature was her initial inspiration when she first started ceramics. Being born in Denmark and raised in Sweden she was used to open landscapes and flowing water. It was only later that she started sourcing her imagery from abstract form itself, using design and architecture to brief some of her ideas. For me she’s both an architect and a craftsman, first building the structural aspects and later manipulating by hand. Here’s a short selection of imagery that I liked on her website, hop on over there to see more like this below.