In Between Lines & Shapes – Abstract Art by Maura Segal
It may be controversial to say, but I think in many ways we can thank industrial design for an overall reduction in design. Creating repeatable shapes and making it easier for machines to complete many of the processes that were once achieved by hand. Of course there’s value in handicraft too, not only giving spirit to something static, but also requiring dexterity and originality, especially when it comes to making work using natural materials as they are unpredictable and require constant evaluation.
American abstract artist Maura Segal’s work has this interesting mix of simplicity and detail. In fact, I urge you to view the video embedded below as it gives you a small insight in to her working methods and how much detail goes in to them. On the surface they seem as though they consist of only line and shape applied with a paint brush, when in fact as you step forward the lines are placed on by hand using black strips of paper, Segal also sticks on paper before the painting even commences to create wonderful texture and depth to her work.
Segal’s influence is modern architecture and minimalism. This definitely plays in to this idea of concealing the overall complexity. There’s an amazing purpose in her work that seems so effortless and child-like. When you break down the way Segal makes, it’s not too dissimilar to that of a craftsmen. The time taken, dedication, and application of materials shares so many similarities. For this reason I really appreciate Maura’s work and urge you to see more of her art via the link below. You won’t be short of inspiration after scanning through this portfolio!