Clearing Away Excess and Adornment – Wooden Furniture by Jong-Sun Bahk
Wow, I was absolutely blown away when I stumbled in to this furniture by Korean designer and maker Jong-Sun Bahk. Bahk, formerly a musician, now makes his furniture in an old farm building that’s been converted in to a modern carpentry studio. As you can see from the photos at the bottom of the page, he takes care to craft and assemble these unique pieces by hand.
What’s most impressive is his use of natural material, it’s quite a contrast to see such modernist forms created using natural wood. Often the unusual graining doesn’t match up and can look quite distracting in the finished piece, but somehow Bahk has been able to work with the wood and create stunning forms that are sure to stand the test of time.
Just look at the joints as an example of his exquisite craftsmanship, alongside his ability to clear away all excess and adornment. I appreciate not only the functionality of this furniture, but also the clear vision it must take to produce such work. Here’s a small selection of Bahk’s furniture that I picked out from his website below, you’re sure to find some others there that will really inspire.