Pure & Outline Collections – Furniture System by German Manufacturer TAVAR
I’m a real sucker for furniture systems and always find myself drawn to them. I think there’s something about the simplicity and adaptability of them that makes this type of furniture so intriguing. My favourite are the Vitsoe shelves by Dieter Rams, but I have to say that I also rather enjoy this furniture system by German manufacturer TAVAR.
This furniture by TAVAR is slightly different as they are not actually free hanging shelving, but the system consists of wood pieces that slot together easily. Each module features serval magnets making it easy to connect them to one another and construct a piece of furniture in a grid like pattern, upwards or sideways. If you need to move them they can also be taken apart easily without tools but are strong enough to withstand any movement through everyday usage.
In my opinion as we look to the future systems like this will become more and more important. Living a stationary life as such will become a thing of the past and we will look to what things can adapt with us instead of the other way around. In terms of innovative design TAVAR have really hit the nail on the head (nice pun I know), and I especially like the Outline collection as it plays a bit of a trick on the eye with the change in colour and the grid like pattern. Here I place a selection of imagery from the Pure and Outline collections above and below, I hope you enjoy their furniture and will keep an eye out for any future work from them.