Wooden Utensils and Vessels by Hiroyuki Sugawara
I came across these stunning utensils and vessels over the weekend thanks to maker Hiroyuki Sugawara from Japan. All of his woodworkings come out of his studio titled Greenlight in Chichibu, Saitama Prefecture, where he works on crafting these pieces by hand. Hiroyuki originally came from a backgrou
Furniture Designer: Taylor Donsker
Believe me when I say we've seen a lot of craftsmen, creatives, designers and makers over the years and heard many, many stories. Some of these are regularly repeated and you very quickly develop a nose for who is regurgitating the same message and those with genuine drive and passion to create some
Short Film on Vyrobeno lesem Collective
When you sit and consider for a moment how many objects, foods and materials around us are synthetic it makes me feel a little uneasy, I don't agree that price of something is where its real value lies. As time passes I feel myself moving more and more towards items with organic origins, I like to b
Short Film on Woodturner Robin Wood
It's not everyday that we are lucky enough to come across a film documenting a maker perfecting their craft, but today I'm excited to highlight the work of woodturner and artisan Robin Wood who is based in Peak District, England. Robin is in fact quite a specialist individual, according to his word
Wooden Sculpture by Ben Butler
One thing that never ceases to amaze me is the patterns that naturally emerge here on the platform, we often go through periods of focusing on one material making it easy to get overstocked in that specific department. Recently we seem to have kept the balance just right, but not too long ago cerami
Short Film on Wood Turner Liam Flynn
It never ceases to amaze me online how one thing can lead to another, like a subconscious thread connecting everything together. Recently we've enjoyed learning more about Japanese craft and wooden objects in particular, the way in which many of these independents emphasise the qualities of the mate
The Art of Steam Bending by David Trubridge
We turn our attention now to David Trubridge, one of New Zeland's most iconic and innovative furniture designers in an engaging short film I enjoyed watching earlier this morning. Created as a means to document the process behind one of the designers creations we are taken inside the company worksho
Pottery by Takuji Hayashi
As my Japanese creative showcase slowly dwindles I'm left with a mixed batch of feelings, one being attached to the amount of amazing individuals working in different creative arts in Japan, the other relating to the disappointment across this side of the pond in terms of variety. It becomes pretty
The Moulthrop Family of Woodturners
I thought we’d look into the life of the Moulthrop family today as I watched this wonderful documentary last night run by PBS titled Craft in America which was deeply inspiring. The Craft in America series has been running for quite a while, but as a European citizen we don’t really hear too muc
Ceramics at Utsuwa Gallery
I've got some wonderful imagery to share with you all today, I actually found this website over the weekend and I spent quite a long time just browsing through the different photographs. In fact I couldn't find too much out about the company itself but I've tried my best to conjure up some informati
Bamboo Cutlery by Saya Okihara and Kazuho Shimomoto
You've probably noticed my little fascination with wooden objects as of late, I'm embarking on a small project myself which will involve me making wooden spoons and cutlery. Actually, I ordered a couple of books off Amazon Japan last week which arrived yesterday, both are by an author named Nishikaw
Short Film on Sculptor Paula Winokur
We are consciously trying not to let ceramics and pottery take over, with an abundance of this type of content floating around the web currently it's a very precise balancing act to maintain. Something that doesn't come along every day however is an insightful short film that investigates the style