Gipsy House by Architect Craig Steely
Since opening up his own studio in 1995 architect Craig Steely has been turning heads with his creations, gaining recognition from the American Institute of Architects and getting published in the likes of Dwell, New York and Los Angeles Times. So it’s hardly surprising when browsing through his w
Case Study Imagery by Vitra Design
This morning I enjoyed having a browse through the Vitra website which always showcases some great furniture, I think they're one of the better websites to have a look at and they seem to take great care over their web presence. Obviously inspiration isn't always readily available on these more corp
Selected works from Marc Corbiau
Mark presented some architectural inspiration yesterday so I thought I’d continue this trend today as we visit the wonderful work of Marc Corbiau and his architect firm who are responsible for these creations seen here before us. Within this selection of seven photos we have three exterior and fou
Maison Louis Carré by Alvar Aalto
Today I thought I'd bring over this imagery that I found last night thanks to my random perusing, it always leads me into good spots around the web. Usually I start with a designer of some sort, this time Alvar Aalto, and I head out with the intention to learn something new and end up finding an abu
Maruni Autumn 2011 Furniture Collection and Project Interior Shots
This morning I decided to bring across some imagery from furniture company Maruni’s website, my last post on the Maruni Collection by Naoto Fukasawa in early 2011 was very popular but this one offers up something different. It’s a selection from the website’s catalogue for Autumn 2011, basical
Architecture + Influence : A Short Film on the Work of Philip Johnson
For what seems like months I've been itching to bring forward the work of influential American architect Philip Johnson, however I wanted to both present a project that did his work justice and secondly share something that hadn't been seen or spoken about already. So late last night as I was dwindl
Short Film on Viola Maker Nicholas Frirsz
It’s always compelling to be able to share not only a beautiful creation with you, our readers, but a history and a heritage too. Which is why I’m rather eager to showcase the story of Nicholas Frirsz who’s a fifth generation luthier, someone who makes or repairs lutes and other string instrum
Alvar Aalto Vases
I’ve become quite spontaneous with my posts here on the site, I used to use this space as a place to showcase random bits and bobs with no direct meaning but as time’s passed my taste has become much for refined and the direction of this website has become a lot clearer. I guess I want to offer
The Artek Open Archives
My loved ones over Christmas were kind enough to buy me several books that I’ve been yearning for over the past year, firstly ‘Dieter Rams: As Little Design as Possible’ which I’ve yet to dig into, and also ‘Alvar Aalto, Through the Eyes of Shigeru Ban’ which is one I’m currently readi
Admiring the Work of Architect Frank Lloyd Wright
As time goes by working here on the site it's seems that a trend is starting to appear where I'm referencing less and less creatives from the present and more from the past. Barbara Hepworth was perhaps the most notable individual recently given the fact that she passed in 1975, so today I'm going t
Works by Irish Furniture Designer Joseph Walsh
I've decided to bring across something a little more contemporary than what we've regularly been looking at here on the site, as I was really taken aback by the shire craftsmanship and vision that furniture designer Joseph Walsh presents through his creations. Founding his studio in 1999 Joseph has
Imagery of Hans J. Wegner & his creations
Not too long ago Mark brought across some really beautiful looks at the work of internationally celebrated Dane Hans J Wegner, so I thought it would be a little while yet until we’d be visiting his work again. However I was browsing through a few of my favourite destinations on the web earlier and