Parallel Parking by Yum Yum London
I usually restrict what we put up, depending on the views and how much it’s been showcased. We don’t want to present work that’s too mainstream or that’s had enough promotion already. What’s the point, i’m positive you don’t want the same things plastered al
Lost Things by Angela Kohler and Ithyle Griffiths
The menswear related content is coming in rather thin today. But once next thursday comes along, the day NYC Fashion Week commences, it will be a different story, so stay tuned for all that action. But for now, we have some other great design related inspiration, this one being a short stop-motion f
Three Films Commissioned for Rapha
For summer, cycling has been a main theme around these ends. An obvious brand to watch out for is Rapha, they have been making some big movements in the digital world. Covering film, especially on vimeo, and also working with Apolis Activism (who we frequently talk about) on a sweater. To further ce
The Human Projectile by Hylas Film
Another short movie, this time by a production company called Hylas. It features stop motion and tells a heartfelt story about a circus character who loses his old friend, The Human Projectile. As he reminisces, things get from bad to worse. You will need to watch to find out. (It’s worth it,
WORDS by Everynone
This short is titled WORDS, and is made by Everynone in collaboration with WNYC’s Radiolab & NPR. Directed by Daniel Mercadante & Will Hoffman, these guys make a special quick cut video that links from scene to scene, keeping you gripped for the whole 3 minutes. I can’t really
Colony Documentary Directed by Ross McDonnell and Carter Gunn
This movie titled ‘Colony’, directed by Ross McDonnell and Carter Gunn, documents a time of crisis in beekeeping world. The Colony Collapse Disorder has left landscapes of empty beehives all across America, threatening the beekeeping industry and our honey supply. Colony captures the str
A Short Animation called Reichenbachstrasse
A great little film i found on vimeo titled Reichenbachstrasse. Reichenbachstrasse is actually a road in Munich, which is full of bustling businesses like bakers, jewellery shops, boutiques, and cafes. At first i thought this was some sort of tilt shift effect, but it’s actually an animation,
Vimeo Festival + Awards Entry by VsTheBrain
A really good video by VsTheBrain for the Vimeo Festival and Awards. The Vimeo awards is basically a competition, where any Vimeo user can submit original works in one of the nine categories before 31st of July. These will then be reviewed by 24 judges, the overall winner taking home $25,000 to prod
Weather Tests by Savas Ozay
A short film by Savas Ozay, a 26 year old designer and illustrator living in Istanbul. This self-initiated project involves animation, modelling and sound design, shot at 1920×1080. The piece of work shown below is titled ‘Weather Tests’ and is an attempt to exaggerate actions and p
Journey Across India by Mike Matas
Photographer & User Interface Designer, Mike Matas, is an ex-employee of Apple, where he designed artwork and such for the iPhone, iPad, and Mac OS X system. He has since moved on from Apple, and on his travels takes various pictures using his Canon 5D Mark II Digital SLR, with a range of diffe
How much does your building weigh, Mr. Foster?
I spotted this stunning documentary teaser to a film that’s been making it’s way around the different film festivals as of late. This was launched back in february and will be released properly at the end of this year. The film traces the rise of one of the world’s premier architec
Mast Brothers Chocolate by Cool Hunting
Cool Hunting always produce some quality material, picking out unusual subjects and guiding us through processes or production techniques. This time we get a tour of the Mast Brothers, two chocolatiers, Rick and Michael Mast, showing us how they make their chocolate DIY style. The creativity showcas