Snow Bells by Bill Newsinger
Christmas is coming along quickly and what better way to settle in (or to panic about it all) than to watch some snow fall. I highly doubt it will snow here on the special day itself, if not I guess we can all feel fulfilled by watching Bill Newsingers newest piece titled Snow Bells. Bill […]
Field Notes ‘Making of Balsam Fir’ by Coudal Partners
Sometimes you see products and you think to yourself, how on earth are they made? Usually I watch those shows that explain in-depth, but a lot of the time they are just for mass produced stuff (like the Crayola video I posted up on our twitter this week). This is the same sort of thing […]
Good Bye Berlin From Olivier Blaecke
I’m a big fan of people getting creative while on the road, so when I stumbled across this short memorising piece from the french multi-talent Olivier Blaecke I couldn’t help but crack a smile. Whilst taking the long trip from Germany’s capital city Berlin to his homeland, Olivier
Caught By The Past From Kendy
French creative Kendy brings us his latest visual working, which is a vivid and inspiring piece devised around the concept that nobody can truly change the true nature of the past. Kendy presents us with some real sharp editing in this project and I’m pretty fond of the sliced up approach he t
Kurzundschön Competition Opening Sequence by Errorone
What an amazing opening sequence for the short film competition “kurzundschön” (Short & Nice) by Errorone. Obviously there were more involved in this project (credits below) but I thought since Errorone hosted it, I should probably put the name in the title. Beautiful motion in thi
Paranoia By Sandeepan Chanda
Paranoia is a short animation about a man traveling on a late night Mumbai local train. I thought I’d bring it across as we hadn’t featured a purely animated piece in the format for a while. The short film was made by 4 students and is pretty original, plus given the quality of the piece
BURNOUT by Romain Laurent
Not sure what’s cool about a guys head smoking like it’s on fire, but overall it made for some pretty interesting photography. At first when I saw this, I thought, how can i make this into a post. But then i stumbled across the video piece and it seemed a perfect match. Plus slightly dif
Yosemite National Park With Henry Jun Wah Lee
With it’s stunning views and vast landscapes, Yosemite National Park always seems to attract inspired photographers and short filmmakers from all parts of the world. Our regular readers may remember imagery and running footage previously from Yosemite, tonight Henry Jun Wah Lee brings us somet
Crossover by Fabian Grodde
I stumbled across this mix of animation and real life footage and was pretty impressed with what was in front of me, it’s been really delicately done and is a pretty captivating as far as short films go. Created by a mysterious individual that is Fabian Grodde, the production is surrounded in
Orion House By Christopher Hewitt
English self taught Director, Designer and Photographer Christopher Hewitt brings us some stunning production in the shape of his latest working “Orion House”. The short film was derived around the concept of two strangers paths crossing on one remarkable day, within the inner city of Lo
this KINGDOM by Eliot Rausch
I think this piece was destined for my inbox. It’s by Eliot Rausch, titled this KINGDOM, he captures a short moment in the life of Brian Wolke, his wife, his kids and their current obstacle in life. Based in Compton, California, Brian has got no work and looks to move out of their home, shifti
Animal By LuChen Liao
I really enjoyed viewing this short piece which was made all the way over in Taiwan by young creative mind LuChen Liao. She presents us with a vivid slowed down set of visuals which are pieced together in an experimental style. When I first found this project I figured it would be pretty dark and [&