Sonar by Renaud Hallee
Some great work from motion designer Renaud Hallee, it’s an official selection of the Annecy International Animation Film Festival. The video titled ‘Sonar’ is a decompositions of instruments, cyclical movements and abstract shapes. I have to say i love the simplicity of the projec
Immersion by Photographer Rob Cooper
Robert Cooper is a British photographer and video artist, in which Wallpaper* got together with to talk about his newest film titled Immersion. Immersion has people filmed through a screen, in which a Red digital camera is embedded, he then takes stills from the footage and the extremely high-resolu
Good Morning Rachel by Christopher Hewitt
Christopher Hewitt is a self-taught London based Freelance Director, Designer and Photographer. He has 9 years of commercial experience, including working for clients such as EMI Records, BBC and the Discovery Channel. Good Morning Rachel is a voyeuristic short film peering in on the morning after a
From Shinosaka to Tokyo by Daihei Shibata
Daniel Shibata is a Japanese Visual Designer that works for the design group WOW in Japan. This video called “Shinakansen ver.2” (From Shinosaka to Tokyo), it was shot with an Olympus PEN(EP-1) with an M.ZUIKO DIGITAL 17mm Lens. It shows his journey in an interesting way, creating specta
Pink Terror Hawking by Mike Barzman
This video by Mike Barzman called Pink Terror Hawking is all shot on a Phantom camera at 1800 frames per second. It’s an experimental super slo-mo project, featuring all sorts of destruction and mayhem. We get flame-throwers, firecrackers, and a crowbar wielding gentleman. Perfect to set
2010: A Space Odyssey by Rodarte
This is a short movie by the award-winning design sisters Rodarte, shot by the photographer and video artist Todd Cole. I will let the press release talk for me. You need to watch this! The starting credits are mesmerizing. Guinevere van Seenus stars in Aanteni, a high-fashion techno-thriller from C
The State of the Internet
Although maybe not directly related to the subjects we cover, i suppose we are still on the internet, so its in some way relevant. This short animation guides us through some important and unimportant statistics regarding the big world wide web. It was designed and animation by JESS3.
Grindin by Nobody Beats The Drum
This animated video was created by a guy named Rogier van der Zwaag for the band Nobody Beats The Drum. The Band hails from Amsterdam, and Rogier being the visual producer for the band had the task of creating something for the song called Grindin. He used nothing but spray-painted wooden blocks and
Mountain Safety by void
void is a team of designers committed to animation and visual communication. These guys have been working on a short video about how to behave on the mountain, it explains why you should or shouldn’t do certain things whilst skiing or snowboarding. This clip is very entertaining and
Ida Walked Away
Takafumi Tsuhiya lives and works in Tokyo, he mainly makes single channel video art, live video performances, collaborated A/V performances, motion graphics and some prints. He integrates recorded sources, his own material and handmade animation all into one to create interesting mixed media videos.