Accidental Shapes & Patterns – Mobiles and Paintings by Jenni Rope
I've had my eyes on Jenni Rope's work for a while now. This talented creative who lives and works in Helsinki channels her thinking across a number of mediums, including painting and sculpture.
Lavitta Collection – Furniture by Finnish Architecture and Design Studio Poiat
We were captivated by this furniture made by the Poiat architecture and design office, a collaboration of three young designers Antti Rouhunkoski, Timo Mikkonen and Marco Rodriguez.
Abandoning Repetition – Works by Textile and Surface Designer Reeta Ek
Reeta, who recently graduated from the Aalto University School of Arts and Design, has focused on non-repeating elements in her textile design, looking at fabric as if it was a canvas or artwork.
A Trip to Helsinki, Finland – Inside Finnish Designer Alvar Aalto’s Home
I've been itching to show you some of my latest photos that I took from a recent trip to Helsinki, particularly a set of images from Finnish designer Alvar Aalto's home.
Nature by Photographer Katja Hagelstam
Picking hazy natural subjects for her photographs, Finnish Photographer Katja Hagelstam captures the photos as she views them with her own eye, creating mystery and wonder.
Space, Light and Colour by Ola Kolehmainen
Using architecture as a reference and source of inspiration, Finnish photographer Ola Kolehmainen has been questioning our way of looking at the world for most of his career.
The Shape that Moves by Iittala
I realised earlier that I've had a little hiatus from any films or videos on the blog, which is a shame really as one of my favourite things about the internet is short films made by fellow creatives, you can always find inspiration that you'd of never seen otherwise. Unfortunately, pictures don't q
Wooden Furniture and Furnishings by Nikari
Nikari aren't a company that I've really come across before, which is quite embarrassing considering they were founded in 1967 and have been producing quality furniture for many years. It's particular distressing because the furniture is up there with some of the best I've seen to date, and I had a
Design in the Jacques Dupuis Archive
At the moment I feel like I have inspiration flowing at me from all different angles, one website that sums up this feeling nicely is that of Jacques Dupuis. Mr Dupuis was a Belgian architect who happened to be quite a major figure in the countries design and architecture scene, following mainly mod
A Look at Alvar Aalto’s Muuratsalo Experimental House
To finish off the week I thought I'd highlight Alvar Aalto's Muuratsalo Experimental House, a place that's been on my mind for a while now. You may remember me mentioning my project for 2013 was to make a piece of furniture, well before I get to that point I've decided it might be worthwhile drawing
Sarjaton by Iittala
I was pleased this afternoon when I came across the video that can be seen below produced by Iittala, originally a glass factory in Finland but they now make all sorts of objects to "enrich people's everyday lives". You may know them for one particular collaboration that took place with Alvar Aalto,
Designer Yrjö Kukkapuro for Apartamento Magazine #9
The fantastic blog that is Wo and We put me onto a series taken by photographer Osma Harvilahti for Apartamento Magazine issue number 9. Osma, who currently resides in New York, also has a wide array of other photography on her portfolio website, although it does mainly revolve around commissioned s